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How Do You Congratulate Someone & What is the Response of Congratulations?

- Rabu, 16 September 2020 | 08:59 WIB
How Do You Congratulate Someone & What is the Response of Congratulations?

Penggunaan Congratulation

Expressing Congratulations adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan pujian atas pencapaian, ucapan selamat atau harapan dan doa atas terjadinya sesuatu yang membahagiakan. Kata ini digunakan untuk menyampaikan rasa ikut senang atas pencapaian seseorang atau suatu kejadian tertentu.

Dalam bahasa indonesia, congratulation diterjemahkan sebagai ucapan “Selamat!”. Kita bisa menggunakan Congratulation untuk memberi selamat dalam rangka apa saja, misalnya kelulusan, kemenangan, kelahiran, pernikahan dll. Kata ini termasuk contoh regular verb, yang berarti bentuk lampaunya hanya ditambahkan -ed (congratulated).

Berikut adalah contoh penggunaan kata congratulation dalam berbagai kejadian:

  • Congratulation on your wedding day (Selamat atas hari pernikahanmu)
  • Congratulation for the baby (Selamat atas kelahiran bayimu)
  • Congratulation on your graduation (Selamat atas kelulusanmu)
  • Congratulation, you are the winner of this game (Selamat, kamu pemenang di game ini)
  • Congratulation for your achievement (Selamat atas pencapaianmu)

Dialogue Expressing Congratulations !

Example 1

Yani : I've just got married, Fira !
Fira : Congratulations ! I'm very happy of you
Yani : Oh thank you Fira.

 Example 2

Aunt Mira : I heard that you got the highest score in the english final exam.
Adi : Yes, that's right, Auntie
Aunt Mira : That's wonderful Adi, Congratulations !
Adi : Thanks Aunty. How nice of you to say so.

Example 3

Kayla : Good News! I won the speech contest.
Dinda : Good Job Kayla. I must Congratulate you on your success.
Kayla : Yaps, thank you so much Dinda.

Example 4

Mita : Thank god. I've found a job.
Rama : Best of luck, Mita !
Mita :I will not spare this opportunity.

Example 5

Ali : I just won the first prize fro a quiz 
Nana : That's great Ali. Let me congratulate you.
Ali : Thank you very much for saying so.

Example 6

Angga : I've got a good mark in my math test. mom.
Mom : That's wonderful, son. I'm very proud of you !
Angga : Thanks mom. It's very good of you to say so.


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